Marketing Planning and Recommendation Committee

What we are looking for

Skills Needed


Technical Assistance

Able to provide recommendations and advice

Below are some key contributions that are expected to be carried out:

  1. In a consultative capacity, the MPRC assists in the development of concepts, plans, strategies, programs, and activities that support, facilitate, and otherwise guide the marketing and public relations efforts of the Trust.
  2. To assist in the development of a Marketing Plan and, as necessary, recommend periodic updates and revisions to the plan.
  3. The MPRC will advise the ED regarding areas of emphasis for the annual advertising budget.
  4. Assist the ED with the annual review and assessment of the effectiveness of the advertising efforts and expenditures for each completed fiscal year.
  5. Serve as a creative resource group for ideas pertaining to public relations, marketing, and advertising.
  6. The MRPC will engage in regular consultation with other committees on matters of mutual interest and concern.

Each committee consists of persons who have volunteered their time, energy, passion and skills to build our organisation. To that end, communication between committee members is of utmost importance and the relationships with each other are the foundation for the powerful change-making possibilities that we wish to achieve. 

We look forward to working with you to ensure that our goals are achieved through your combined efforts and the application of your diverse knowledge and expertise.

We hope to welcome you onboard and it is hoped that your tenure will be a rewarding experience.

You are donating to : St. Christopher National Trust

How much would you like to donate?
$10 $20 $30
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